Monthly Archives: July 2023
July 26, 2023
Activity Wall Panels: 5 Ways Wall Mount Activities Benefit Children in Waiting Room Settings.
Waiting rooms can be daunting places for both children and their parents. Whether it's a doctor's office, a dentist's clinic, or any other healthcare facility, the tension and anxiety associated with waiting can be particularly challenging for young children. However, there's a simple yet effective solution to alleviate some of this stress – activity wall panels. In this blog, we will explore the importance of wall mount activities for children in waiting room settings and how they can add value to your waiting room by contributing to a more pleasant, educational experience and providing a great alternative to electronic devices.
July 11, 2023
Anthropometrics: What Is It and Why It’s Significant for Children in Classrooms
Imagine a classroom where every chair, desk, and teaching aid are thoughtfully designed and measured to fit the needs of every child. Such a classroom fosters an inclusive and comfortable learning environment that promotes better concentration, engagement, and overall academic performance. This vision can be achieved through the application of anthropometrics, the science of measuring the human body. In this blog, we will delve into the importance of anthropometrics (including an anthropometrics chart) for children in classrooms and how it can revolutionize the way we approach education.